Funny Sunday Quotes And Images for Facebook & Instagram

Sunday is one of the favourite days for everyone as it is the time to relax and refresh. Itβs a day to forget about school or work and enjoy. In this blog post, we are providing some Funny Sunday Quotes to make this day special. These remind us to take things a little less seriously and enjoy the simple joys that come with Sunday.
Sunday is the day when we get to relax, spend time with our loved ones or do anything of our choice. It is the perfect day to relieve stress and create memories for the whole week.
- “Sunday is the day I planned a lot but actually do nothing.”
- “Sunday checklist: Do nothing and chill.”
See also:Good Moring Wednesday Funny Quotes
- “Sunday, the day for doing nothing and everything at the same time.”
- “Sunday is a day of rest, until you get hungry.”
- “Sunday clears away the rust of the whole week… but not if you’re a parent!”
- “Sunday is like a superhero, it arrives just in time to save the day after a long week.”
“Sunday: A day to refuel your soul and be grateful for your blessings. Also, a day to binge-watch Netflix.”
- “Sunday is the golden clasp that binds together the volume of the week.”
- “Sunday is the perfect day to refuel your soul and to be grateful for each and every one of your blessings. Unless it’s football season, then it’s game day.”
- “Sunday is the day I realize I have no clean clothes for Monday.”
- “Sunday: Time to recharge before the madness of Monday begins.”
- “On Sundays, I prefer my coffee like I prefer my life – black and never-ending.”
- “Sunday is a day to reflect on the fact that I didn’t do any of the things I said I would do on Saturday.”
- “Sunday – the only day of the week where laziness and productivity can peacefully coexist.”
- “Sunday is the day I prepare for Monday by doing absolutely nothing.”
- “Sunday is a great day to do nothing and then regret it on Monday.”
- “Sunday is the day I officially become a couch potato.”
- “Sunday is the day I realize that Saturday is over and Monday is coming.”
- “Sunday: The day I planned a lot but actually achieved nothing.”
- “Sunday: The day I can wear pajamas all day without judgment.”
- “Sunday is the day I start thinking about doing something productive… and then decide to take a nap instead.”
- “Sunday: The day I try to convince myself that I’m going to be productive, but end up binge-watching TV shows instead.”
- “Sunday: The day when I feel like I should be doing something, but end up doing nothing.”
- “Sunday: The day I pretend to be a responsible adult before returning to my normal state on Monday.”
- “Sunday is the day I attempt to meal prep for the week, but end up ordering takeout instead.”
- “Sunday: The day I have to remind myself that ‘doing nothing’ is actually doing something.”
- “Sunday is the day I realize I have a million things to do, but zero motivation to do them.”
- “Sunday is the day I contemplate all the exercise I’ll do next week… as I reach for another slice of pizza.”
- “Sunday: The day I spend half the time wondering what day it is and the other half wondering where the weekend went.”
- “Sunday is the day I tell myself I’ll go to bed early, but end up staying up late regretting it.”
- “Sunday: The day I plan to catch up on chores, but end up catching up on sleep instead.”
- “Sunday is the day I remember all the things I forgot to do on Saturday.”
- “Sunday: The day I vow to start eating healthy… until someone mentions brunch.”
- “Sunday is the day I pretend to have my life together before the chaos of the workweek begins.”
- “Sunday: The day I convince myself that I’ll be productive, but end up scrolling through memes instead.”
- “Sunday is the day I realize that ‘adulting’ is just a series of naps interrupted by brief moments of responsibility.”
- “Sunday: The day I spend hours deciding what to do, only to realize that doing nothing was the best option all along.”
- “Sunday is the day I wonder why I always have so much to do and so little motivation to do it.”
- “Sunday: The day I try to convince myself that I’ll be productive, but end up procrastinating until Monday.”
- “Sunday is the day I realize that the only thing I accomplished this weekend was watching Netflix.”
- “Sunday: The day I dread, because I know Monday is just around the corner.”
- “Sunday: The day I promise myself I’ll start exercising… next week.”
- “Sunday: The day I wish had a ‘snooze’ button.”
Sunday is a day that brings joy and humour to many people, andΒ funny Sunday quotesΒ reflect the light-hearted spirit of this special day. Whether joking around at the end of the weekend or embracing the leisurely atmosphere, these quotes add a touch of humour to our Sundays, making them a delightful mix of relaxation and laughter.